Baby picking blueberries at Up North Blueberry Farm
Enjoy delicious blueberries in season at Up North Blueberry Farm!

U-Pick blueberry farm offering 9 varieties of northern high bush blueberries. Pre-picked blueberries available. Also, honey and jams/jellies.

What you can do here

Farm Market, U-Pick, We-Pick


Five miles west of Gaylord, north on Townline Rd. to Hallenius Rd. 1 mile west to the farm.

What to look for here

Blueberries, Jams & Jellies, U-Pick Blueberries

Tour bus parking available: no.

Hours: page2image43923888 Open: Mid-July to Labor Day. Picking days and hours posted on social media and the farm phone.
3964 Hallenius Rd.
Gaylord, MI 49735
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