Welcome to Michigan Farm Fun, the website of the Michigan Agritourism Association. You can use this website to find great local food and fun times wherever you travel in Michigan!

If you know where you are going, visit our Find Your Fun page and choose a region. Zoom in to your destination on the map that appears to see interesting places nearby.

If you are looking for a specific agricultural product or activity, visit our Find Your Fun page and type the name of that product or activity in the search box. You’ll be shown a list of places that have that product or activity. 

Need some suggestions? Visit our Explore Your Interests page to get started.

For a more detailed search of products and activities that are available near a specific city, visit our Plan Your Trip page.

Build an itinerary as you browse the site by using the Add to Your Itinerary or the large plus sign buttons you will see on many pages. Review your itinerary by clicking the button again, or clicking the itinerary counter that appears on the right side of the page. You can share your itinerary via email or social media by using the share button in the upper right corner of all pages. Save your itinerary by bookmarking your itinerary page in your browser. Print your itinerary or get driving directions by using the tools on the itinerary page. No account required!

Visit our Event Calendar for a list of upcoming events that you’re sure to want to attend. Events can also be added to your itinerary!

Have a question or a comment? Visit our Contact Us page to talk directly to someone at the Michigan Agritourism Association.

We wish you safe travels, good food, and fun times during your visit to Michigan, where we have something for every taste!