Self-serve farm stand open daily September and October until dark. 25 varieties of apples, 4 varieties of pears and 4 varieties of plums. U-Pick apples also available. Please be sure to call ahead for U-Pick availability and varieties. School tours featuring a hayride around the orchard and a visit from Johnny Appleseed.
What you can do here
Hayrides, School Tours, Tours, U-Pick, We-Pick
1/2 mile south of the town of Ingalls, 1/4 mile east of US-.41 on 17.5 Lane. Orchard is at the end of 17.5 Lane.
What to look for here
Apples, Pears, Plums, U-Pick Apples

Hours: Farm stand open daily Sept-Oct until dark; U-Pick: Saturdays only, 11am-4pm
W5597 17.5 Lane
Wallace, MI 49893
Wallace, MI 49893
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