U-picked and pre-picked sweet cherries (eight varieties). Montmorency tart cherries and thornless raspberries are available mid-July to late August. U-pick and pre-picked fresh flowers June-October. CSA subscriptions, gift shipping and merchandise are available. The Hallstedts greet everyone and teach them how to pick – no need to bring any equipment.
What you can do here
CSA, Roadside Stand, Tours, U-cut, U-Pick, We-Pick
From Traverse City, head north on M-22/NW Bayshore Dr. about 25 miles, turn left on Lee Mann Rd. Go about one mile, turn right onto Matheson Rd., farm is on the left.
What to look for here
Cherries, Fresh Cut Flowers, Gift Items, Jams & Jellies, Kale, Shipping Gifts, Tomatoes, Zucchini, U-Cut Flowers, U-Pick Cherries
Tour bus parking available: yes.
Northport, MI 49670