Saturday, August 13, 2022
9:45 AM to 10:45 AM
The Marquette Farmers Market and Pinecone Yoga Institute have partnered up to bring absurdly high-quality donation-based yoga to our community in support of local food systems.
🌻When: Every Saturday morning (9:45-10:45 am) from June 4-October 29.
🐝Where: Inside the Marquette Commons during the Marquette Farmers’ Market.
🤝Community benefit: Seva will be a core principle of this offering, a portion of the proceeds will go directly back into the market.
Things to know:
⏰Try to arrive at least five minutes early to complete a liability waiver.
🙏Donation-based $10-$20 suggested donation per class (Cash / Venmo / PayPal)
🦋18+ (minors may attend, but will need a liability waiver signed by a parent/guardian and children must be accompanied by an adult)
🧘Please BYOM - Bring Your Own Mat, we look forward to practicing with you!
***No one will be turned away from lack of funds.***
To view the facilitator line-up and more information visit:

Downtown Marquette Farmers Market, 112 S. Third St., Marquette, MI

Find Yoga at the Market on Facebook