Have Family Fun on the Farm. Pick your own blueberries, peaches, apples and pumpkins. Enjoy fresh donuts, Tractor Wagon Rides, cider mill, corn maze, apple cannon, gift area and bakery. Cut your own sunflowers, in season. Event facilities, weddings, and field trips. Company parties, meetings and birthday parties. MAEAP Verified.
What you can do here
Bakery, Cider Mill, Corn Maze, CSA, Event Facilities, Farm Market, Gift Shop, Tours, U-Pick, Wagon Rides, Weddings, Wine Tasting
I-69 to Exit 66 at Potterville, north 1 block, turn left on Vermontville Hwy. West for 3 miles, turn right onto Otto Rd. north 1/2 mile.
What to look for here
Apple Cider, Organic Offerings, Pumpkins, U-Pick Apples, U-Pick Blueberries, U-Pick Peaches
Hours: Aug: Wed-Sat, 9am-6pm, Sept & Oct: Tues-Sat, 9am-6pm, Sun, 11am-6pm; See website for other dates.
4648 Otto Rd.
Charlotte, MI 48813
Charlotte, MI 48813
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