DeGrandchamp Bluebrrry U-Pick Farm
Visit DeGrandchamp's for delicious U-Pick blueberries!

Make memories picking blueberries with your family. Cool off with an ice cream sundae and do some shopping at the Farm Store. You can load up on pre-picked blueberries, jams, dried fruit, salsas, homemade fudge, baked goods and more! Visit in the fall to experience the Cranberry Festival!

What you can do here

Bakery, Farm Market, Gift Shop, Tours, U-Pick, We-Pick


Exit 18 off 196, 3 miles south of South Haven on Blue Star Hwy. and 14th Ave.

What to look for here

Blueberries, Gift Items, Honey, Jams & Jellies, Maple Syrup, U-Pick Blueberries, U-Pick Strawberries

Tour bus parking available: yes.

Hours: April to Dec: U-Pick, July and August
76241 14th Ave.
South Haven, MI 49090
Find DeGrandchamp Farms on Facebook
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