Visit Berry Flats Farm in Kingsley for strawberries in the spring and other seasonal fruits through October.
Fruit farm offering U-Pick strawberries and pre-picked strawberries in June-July, U-Pick raspberries and 12 different apple varieties for sale in the fall. Nestled just south of Traverse City on M-37 in Kingsley. Also offering other fruits throughout the season at the farm market, such as raspberries, cherries and peaches.
What you can do here
Farm Market, U-Pick, We-Pick
6 miles south of Chums Corner in Traverse City on M-37.
What to look for here
Apples, Cherries, Peaches, Raspberries, Strawberries, U-Pick Raspberries, U-Pick Strawberries
Tour bus parking available: yes.
Hours: June-July, during strawberry harvest: 9am-7pm, daily; After strawberries: 9am-5pm, daily through mid-Oct.
7305 M-37
Kingsley, MI 49649
Kingsley, MI 49649
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